segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

9º Ano - Atividades para nota- Simple past

A.Escolham a opção que melhor preenche os espaços em branco,fazendo uso adequado do passado de verbos regulares. 1.Where did you...........with her last week?Please,tell me! a.Talked b.Talk c.Talking 2.I think you..........the movie because you weren't really interested in watching it. a.Missed b.Miss c.Missing 3.When I was going to take a shower.What a coincidence! a.Call b.Called c.Calling 4.She really.............the drawing you did.You've got talent! a.Like b.Liking c.Liked 5.You didn' last night,did you? a.Play b.Played c.Playing B.Passe as frases a seguir para o inglês. 1.Eu ajudei minha amiga com o dever de casa:..................................................... 2.Nós viajamos ano passado:......................................................................... 3.Ele passou no vestibular:............................................................................ 4.Elas namoraram o mesmo rapaz:................................................................... C.Qual a melhor tradução para o trecho:"She worked there for many years before she decided to marry John." R:...................................................................................................... D.O passado de "Broadcast"(transmitir) é "broadcasted".True(verdadeiro) ou False(falso)? R:.......................................................................................................

9º Ano - Simple past

Passado Simples Simple Past O Passado Simples descreve uma ação que já ocorreu e que não ocorre mais. A ação teve início e fim no passado. No Simple Past o verbo não é flexionado em nenhuma pessoa, repetindo-se em todas elas, diferentemente do que ocorre no presente simples. Verbos Regulares - Regular Verbs Primeiramente iremos estudar o Passado Simples dos verbos regulares que, de um modo geral, é formado acrescentando -d ou -ed ao infinitivo dos verbos. Observe a tabela abaixo: - FORMA AFIRMATIVA: I worked yesterday You worked yesterday He worked yesterday She worked yesterday It worked yesterday We worked yesterday You worked yesterday They worked yesterday - PARTICULARIDADES DA ORTOGRAFIA DO SIMPLE PAST: 1. Os verbos terminados em e recebem apenas a letra -d ao infinitivo do verbo. Veja alguns exemplos abaixo: hope - hoped change - changed like - liked behave - behaved lie - lied live - lived love - loved arrive - arrived invite - invited snore - snored 2. Se o verbo tiver uma única sílaba ou terminar em sílaba tônica formada por consoante/vogal/consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se - ed stop - stopped permit - permitted occur - occurred rob - robbed admit - admitted prefer - preferred omit - omitted control - controlled drop - dropped plan - planned shop - shopped 3. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por -ied: study - studied carry - carried worry - worried try - tried hurry - hurried cry - cried 4. Os verbos terminados em consoante/vogal/consoante cuja sílaba tônica não é a última não dobram a consoante, apenas recebem -ed: listen - listened develop - developed open - opened fasten - fastened suffer - suffered visit - visited wonder - wondered offer - offered

quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013

Wh - questions

1-Escolha o interrogativo adequado para os espaços a seguir. a) _____are you doing? b)______ is your house c) ______shoes are these? d) ______are you so quiet? e) ______is your house? f) ______does He like? g) ______are they leaving to Europe? h) ______is the library? i) ______is the girl crying?is there? j) ______will the next show be? k) ______suitcase is this? l) ______didn’t you go to the dentist? m) ______are you drinking? n) ______will you see your aunt? o) ______don’t you come with us?

WH- Questions

WH _ Questions . What - When - Where - Why - Who – How I. Complete the sentenças with the correct option.Complete com a opção correta. 1) ................ are my keys? (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 2) ................ is the problem? (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 3) ................ is your favourite singer? (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 4) ................ is your birthday? (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 5) ................ old are you? ( I'm ten years old. What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 6) ................ is your telephone number? ( What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 7) ................ are you from? (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 8) ................ is your best friend? ( What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 9) ................ is your e-mail? ( What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 10) ................ are you? I'm fine, thanks. (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 11) ................ is your graduation? Next week. (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 12) ................ is she crying? Because she is sad. (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 13) ................ is your last name? Gonzalez. (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 14) ................ is your favourite actor? Anthony Hopkins. (What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) 15) ................ old is your cat? (Two years old. What - When - Where - Why - Who – How) II. Choose the right option.Escolha a opção correta. 1) ................. is the concert? a)What b)Who c)Why d) When 2) ................. is Cristiano Ronaldo from? a)How b) When c) Where d) Why 3) ................. are you so happy? I'm getting married! a) When b) How c)What d)Why 4) ................. is your brother? He is still sick. a)Why b) How c) Where d)What 5) ................. are you late? Because of the traffic. a) Where b) When c)Why d)How

domingo, 13 de janeiro de 2013

Passeio em Ouro Preto

Natalino , Luana e Eu

Alunas do 3º A e B 2011

Isa,Paulinha, eu e Fran.

Natalino e Luana, hoje companheiro de luta!